
definition of diligence

Speed, agility and efficiency with which a task or activity is carried out

At present we use the concept of diligence in two ways in our language. On the one hand, we use it when we want to account for the speed, agility and efficiency with which a person or entity carries out an entrusted task or activity. "The new cadet works very diligently, it was a discovery to have hired him."

Normally when an individual or an organization works in a suitable way it is normal to find the quality of diligence and that of course as a consequence the tasks or procedures are carried out in accordance with what is expected of them.

However, we must also say that this is not always the case and it is also a reality to meet people who have been hired to carry out a certain task and do so slowly or with negligence, contrary to diligence. And the same we can transfer it to an organization, there are many, unfortunately, who do not work with the diligence of the case and turn out to be very ineffective in their action.

Administrative procedure that intends to achieve some objective

Meanwhile, the other use that this word admits is to designate that administrative procedure that has the intention of achieving some objective. For example, present certain documentation that will provide important information before the corresponding court. The presentation of these documents consists of diligence.

Precisely in the judicial sphere is where proceedings are mostly carried out and, on the other hand, at the level of public administration they also tend to be presented regularly.

The concept also extends to the name of the formal document that endorses and leaves a record of the completion of such procedures before the court or before a public body. Surely, when we need to demonstrate that such a procedure was carried out, they will ask us to present that document or diligence.

Car being pulled by horses

And although its use is relatively obsolete today, there is a third meaning for this word, which was used a lot when horse traction was the most common transportation among people. Precisely diligence was called the car that was drawn by horses and whose mission was the transfer of passengers.

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