
definition of sense of belonging

The sense of belonging It refers to the sense of ownership or possession that a person has over an object or a material good. That is, the sense of belonging shows the relationship that exists between the owner of a thing and said property. The sense of belonging provides specific rights to the owner over the use and enjoyment of that material asset.

From this sense of ownership, a social order and respect is established since from the ethical and moral point of view, any person has the responsibility to respect the property of others. We are in a society with a clear tendency to materialism in which many people put their value in the wrong way in what they have.

One person never belongs to another

The sense of belonging it shows that things are used and an instrumental relationship is established so that any owner can make use of an object for his own benefit. From this point of view, it should be pointed out that, on the other hand, one person is never the property of another, so it is essential to remember that personal relationships are based on freedom. The jealous person, for example, has a wrong notion of love because he has internalized the sense of belonging also at the level of falling in love. The same happens in the case of a dependency relationship.

Troubled relationships

However, it should be remembered that jealousy or a dependency relationship is not healthy love. While on the plane of things and the material universe, there is the concept of property, on the contrary, in the universe of personal relationships there is the freedom to establish ties or break them at any time.

Understanding membership as being part

The sense of belonging Yes, it can have an emotional value when, for example, a person feels that he is part of a group of friends or even, at the work level, this feeling also arises when an employee feels that he is part of the work team. The feeling of belonging, seen from this point of view, provides self-esteem and motivation, while it is essential for any person to feel integrated into their closest environment.

When the sense of belonging is analyzed from the material point of view, then, it is clearly linked to work since anyone works hard to have a specific lifestyle and pay the expenses derived from material possessions, for example, from the home. The house is the place with the greatest sense of belonging.

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