
definition of racism

Racism is known as that doctrine that exalts the superiority of one's own race over others, just based on biological characteristics.

Racism is nothing more than one of the many forms of discrimination that people can encounter and face, specifically motivated by racial issues such as skin tone or other physical characteristics, such as height, physical structure, among others and for which some are considered superior to others.

The end or main objective of Racism will be the annulment of the human rights of those who are discriminated against. The aforementioned doctrine began in Europe in the 19th century, in order to justify the supremacy of a supposed white race over the rest of humanity.

On the other hand, racism, whether openly or veiled, proposes a hierarchical order among ethnic groups that is used to justify the privileges or advantages enjoyed by the dominant group.

The concept of Racism is relatively modern, since it began to have the first manifestations, both in Europe and in the Spanish colonies in America, during the Middle Ages.

Traditionally, Racism has been closely linked to the worst crimes that have been perpetrated against humanity, such as genocide, servitude, slavery, colonialism, among others, and it is because of this situation that, today, it is considers it as one of the most despicable insults against human dignity and a very clear violation of people's human rights. In addition to the international condemnation expressed by some international organizations such as the UN, some laws penalize Racism with severe penalties.

On the other hand, Racism is also called that feeling of rejection towards races other than one's own..

With the aim of combating any racist proliferation, the United Nations (UN) adopted in 1965 the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and from then on stipulated March 21 as the Day International on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

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