
definition of speech therapy

The speech therapy is that discipline that deals with evaluating, diagnosing and intervening in human communication disorders, expressed through different pathologies such as alteration in voice, speech, language, hearing and in any other function that involves both the it speaks as into the ear, both of adults and children.

Discipline concerned with evaluating, diagnosing, and treating human speech and communication disorders

We must emphasize that there are a large number of children who must resort to this discipline to correct some language and speech problems that begin to manifest themselves at this early stage, and of course, always, and the ideal is to treat and attack the problem at time so that it can be solved effectively and this does not complicate the development of the child in question.

On the other hand, speech therapy also plays an important role in optimizing human communication that occurs in normal terms..

Speech therapy is the name by which it is known in Latin American countries, meanwhile, in Italy and Spain is called Logopedia, in France Orthophony and in the English-speaking countries is often referred to as Language Pathology or Language Therapy.

How is the communication process of the human being from birth

Since the human being is born, he begins to communicate with his immediate environment, especially with the mother, this stage is called pre-linguistic and involves everything prior to spoken language, which prepares the child for his future verbal development, because the faculty talking is not something that happens all at once, but is actually acquired and consolidated from various evolutionary stages.

As his need to express himself increases, the child learns to speak, in the first stages, the primary communication will be through crying, although, over time, he will begin to observe variations that will allow the mother to distinguish when it is a cry of pain, of sleep, of hunger, among others.

After the exposed, the stage of babbling arises; At approximately two months the child begins to tirelessly repeat vowel and guttural sounds; This babbling will happen as long as you are in a situation of physiological tranquility, that is, when external stimuli do not attract your attention and when your needs are duly satisfied.

From the second semester of life, the auditory stimuli that allow the creation of new sounds enter the scene, then, the vocal activity will be more and more productive as the weeks go by. Only at one year of age, the child will begin to attribute meanings to certain sounds.

Areas of speech therapy

Within speech therapy there are various areas, which deal with the resolution or improvement of some of its main disorders such is the case of: audiology (prevention, detection, measurement, diagnosis and prevention of hearing problems, dangers of excessive exposure to noise), children's language (language disorders and pervasive developmental disorders), adult or neurogenic language (aphasias, apraxia of all levels, dysarthria of all levels, dementias, cranial brain trauma, cognitive impairment, normal aging), voice (dysphonia and optimization of the voice in professional use) and swallowing (dysphagia, inconvenience when swallowing food).

Stuttering, one of the most common speech disorders

Stuttering is one of the most common speech disorders and disorders and is characterized by involuntary interruption of the speech act, that is, there is no fluency when speaking, and syllables are also repeated as a unique feature of the problem.

It is one of the main and most common disorders that affect human speech and, for example, the communication capacity of people.

The causes are found in organic, psychic, or social factors, and it tends to greatly influence the personality that the person who suffers develops since it tends to make him more withdrawn and shy because he feels ashamed when expressing himself with difficulty.

Depending on the contexts of course, but many times the person who suffers from stuttering is stigmatized and mocked and this inevitably influences their social development, in a negative way, of course.

Those teasing that the stutterer usually suffers, as the person who suffers from this disorder is called, end up making a dent in his personality and usually appears as withdrawn and even in the most extreme cases until leading to depressive states.

Among the most common consequences generated by stuttering are two other problems such as anxiety and nervousness, the person who stutters is usually very restless before this inability to express himself fluently.

Now, it is a problem that can be treated and corrected to a great extent, psychological issues with a good psychotherapy, and the rest with a speech therapist who indicates some practices and exercises.

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