
definition of educate

Develop the intellectual and moral faculties of an individual at the behest of the educational process

Educating is one of the most important activities that a person or an institution can develop since it has the tremendous responsibility to develop the intellectual and moral faculties of an individual at the behest of the educational process.

The school, teachers and the family, main actors in education

The school as an institution, and the teacher as a professional trained to carry out such a task, are those who develop this very important activity at the formal level, that is, with regard to knowledge and subjects.

Now, they are not the only ones who develop this action but there are also other actors who at some point in their lives have the responsibility of educating another. A father to his son, a grandfather to his grandson, an aunt to his nephew, among others. In these cases, the educational action will be specially oriented to educate the person about what is right or wrong to do in a given circumstance, to behave, to respect values ​​and norms, among other issues.

Teach skills, values, knowledge that allow to develop an activity, a profession, or make a decision

So not only educating will teach a child how much 2 + 2 is or what the capital of France is and to which of the continents it belongs, but also educating can be direct, train and instruct someone regarding issues that have nothing to do with knowledge and science, for example, educating someone on how to overcome obstacles in life or what are those behaviors that border on misbehavior and what are those that must be followed if you want to go down the path of correction and kindness.

Meanwhile, also, the action of educating can be aimed at a specific object or element, for example educating the eye if you are working on fashion design Because, of course, in this area, a good eye when choosing fabrics, accessories, will be essential to stand out from the rest.

By case applied to people or elements, the action of educating always implies that the recipient of the same learns skills, values, specific knowledge, among others, that allow him to develop an activity, a profession or make a decision in his life.

When someone carries out the action of educating another, they will be able to see their activity materialized through emotional, intellectual and social changes, which inevitably occur in the subject who receives the education in question. Obviously, depending on the effectiveness, the will and the strategies used in this process, it may be that what was learned will last a lifetime or it may be easily forgotten, if it is not reinforced in a timely manner.

The educational strategy conditioned by the age of the recipient

Another relevant issue when carrying out someone's education will be their age, for example, when the person to be educated is a child, the same tools and methods that would be used if it were an adult were the subject to be used. educate. The child will always require a type of attention and special care, basically, because in childhood it will be where the thinking and forms of expression of someone will first be structured, which will be the future basis of everything, then, it must be done with discretion and measure so as not to cause the child a destabilization that harms his future development.

Evaluation, a fundamental tool to evaluate education

On the other hand, with regard strictly to formal or school education, in this case, evaluation will be a fundamental instrument when seeking improvement, since through it it will be possible to know, specifically, if what was sought was achieved, that is, if the student understood what was taught. And on the other hand, evaluation is an excellent way to establish rewards, attentions and punishments when students studied perfectly, when they are below the expected level or when they did not study properly, respectively.

For all the above, the relevance and influence that education has on a person's life can be deduced. The ideal is that the person receives a correct education from childhood because in this way it contributes favorably in the structuring of their thinking and in the development of the ways of expression. In addition, adequate education from an early age adds to the maturation process of the senses, movements and stimulates coexistence and integration with the environment.

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