
definition of abuse

The word abuse is used to designate all those ways of acting that involve some type of aggression or violence.

Behavior that involves aggression against others

As the word itself says, abuse is a way of treating someone badly, of addressing that person or being in an aggressive way, with insults, with yelling, and even with physical violence.

Abuse is in every sense harmful to the person who receives it, since it can lead to serious injuries if the assault is physical and also emotional and psychological injuries when the abuse is verbal.

In societies where violence is a common method of communication, mistreatment is constant among the different members of the community, but also in thousands of different ways, which means that mistreatment is not exclusive to a gender, to a group. socioeconomic, of a region or of a type of physical trait.

There are still many societies in which simpler forms of communication and values ​​of respect, tolerance and community still prevail.

Abuse is a great danger both for those who suffer it and for those who exercise it.

This is so because by exercising abuse a person can easily feel more and more interested in maintaining it, reproducing it and making it visible in as many spaces as possible.

The power of abuse

Abuse gives power to those who exercise it since it assumes that there is someone on the other side who suffers and who is seen, at the time of the abuse or even later, diminished by that aggression.

By having power a person can become more aggressive and more determined to seek more power in exchange for more abuse.

Although it is not correct to establish generalizations, reality shows us that mistreatment towards certain sectors or social groups is increasingly common and dangerous.

Women, children and the elderly, the most vulnerable and common recipients of violence in its various manifestations

Thus, both women, children, the elderly, immigrants, the humble, animals are certain victims of abuse and this has to do to a large extent in their defenselessness and in the general belief that these groups are responsible for some wrong or that, because they are defenseless, they can more easily receive mistreatment from others.

Family violence, which is that violent and repeated conduct of aggression, occurs as its name tells us within a family, being one of its members the one who executes it, usually the father of the family, although, there are also cases of women who mistreat their children and their husbands.

It is mostly power imbalances that initiate it, and children and women are the most recurrent recipients.

Although it can occur in minor cases, family violence does not arise from one moment to another but is the result of a long process.

Due to the above, it is essential to report it early, because unfortunately the cases of reality show this to us when this does not happen, and it is silenced and hidden, the consequences can be deadly for those who suffer it daily.

Always report family violence

Family violence can involve physical, psychological, sexual and economic abuse, the latter is manifested through the obsessive control of the spouse's expenses, prohibiting him from managing his own money, restricting expenses and even preventing him from giving his opinion on what is spent, among others.

In those cases of separated parents, it is common for the father to exercise this type of abuse, for example, denying his ex-wife the food quota for the couple's children.

Faced with a situation of family violence, it is important that everyone knows that they must report it as soon as the first demonstration occurs, then it may be too late ...

While the complaint must be made by the person who suffers it or by a family member who notices this state of affairs.

If possible, the second thing to do is to leave the house if the violent person does not do so and approach those trusted relatives who serve as containment.

The complaint must be made in the police station closest to the house or in those centers dedicated to this type of case.

Then, the police will have to give intervention to justice, which is the one that will finally decide the steps to follow and the corresponding punishments.

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