
circumscribe - definition, concept and what it is

To circumscribe means to limit limits in a specific context. For example, when teachers prepare the exam for their subject, they ask students to confine themselves to the answer to what is being asked, that is, they should not deviate from the topic. In the same way, in the context of a job interview, the conversation between the human resources recruiter and the candidate who aspires to that job position is limited to the limits of the candidate's career path and professional training. The most personal questions are out of context in such an interview.

Narrow a topic

Today, having a blog is an initiative that many professionals have joined who want to use this platform as a door to employment and as a means to reinforce their personal brand. One of the keys to the success of a well-positioned and well-defined blog is that its topic is perfectly defined. Therefore, before creating a virtual space, the editor must circumscribe the margins of his project in order to carry it out more precisely.

The author of a book must define the subject and the argument very well to avoid losing coherence in the story.

From the professional point of view, each worker also assumes his daily tasks in the office in a responsible way and sticks to them

That is, beyond personal wishes, or those tasks that you really prefer to perform, limit your working day to the fulfillment of a duty that is defined by previous tasks. Sticking to a job means making it your own. In other words, adapt to the routines derived from the position.

The speaker of a conference is also limited to the topic of the same from the elaboration of a main idea that is reinforced with several secondary ideas. If the speaker constantly gets off topic, the audience is disappointed by the lack of logic in the call.

On the geometric plane

Circumscribe is a concept that is also used in a common way in geometry. In that case, this term is used to refer to a figure drawn outside of another district. Thanks to this structure, both figures are tangent at various points.

Photos: iStock - BakiBG / Ojo_Images

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