
definition of asshole

Each country has its own national insult. In Mexico it could be an asshole, in Chile a dick, in Argentina a jerk and in Spain an asshole. These are words that are used very commonly in colloquial language. In the case of asshole, it is used to express that someone has low intelligence or that they behave in a stupid way.

Two synonyms with identical meanings are asshole and cocksucker. While all three insults express the same idea, asshole is not as offensive as asshole and someone turns into a cocksucker when their stupid behavior is very obvious.

The exact origin of this adjective is not known with certainty

It is said that it comes from the word gilí, which in turn comes from jilí, a word from the Caló language. Caló is the Spanish version of Romani, the language of the gypsy ethnic group. For a Spanish gypsy a jili is a very innocent and naive person and, in some way, stupid. If we put gilí or jilí with cock (which means penis) a new word is created, asshole. In short, this insult is indicating that someone has low intelligence because he thinks with his penis.

This way of disqualifying a person is not exclusive to Spanish speakers, since in Catalan an adjective with the same meaning is used (capdefava) and those who speak English use the word dickhead.

According to another version, it comes from the Spanish slang of Madrid

Some chronicles say that in the seventeenth century in Madrid a high official named Baltasar Gil had the custom of going to parties with the intention of marrying his two daughters.

Despite the attempts, the official did not achieve his objective, since his daughters were very unattractive physically and did not have too many lights. In this context, some began to refer to Don Gil and his cocks (a way of mentioning his two daughters). In this way, the gossip of the town created a new word: asshole.

According to a third version, it is the union of an Arabic word and another Spanish. Gili comes from the Arabic voice yihil or gihil (which means fool or fool) and, on the other hand, from cock.

The male member and the Spanish tacos

As already mentioned, in Spain the word cock is used to refer to the penis. It is a very present word in colloquial speech. If someone is bothered or bothered by someone else, they might say "don't touch my dick."

On the other hand, a woman who provokes a man's sexual desire and does not intend to have sex with him is considered a "cock tease" (a slightly less offensive version would be "zipper warmer").

Fotolia photos: nuvolanevicata / popaukropa

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