
definition of eccentric

If we etymologically analyze the term "eccentric", it is very easy to understand its meaning. Eccentric is a qualifying adjective that is used to designate those people who with their behavior show that they have "left their center". Thus, an eccentric person is a person who does not respond to what is considered normal or habitual for an individual, whether due to their behavior, their way of expressing themselves, their appearance, their attitudes towards others, etc. Although the use of the term eccentric is always subjective and depends on the values ​​that each person considers abnormal, there are certain parameters that make eccentric people easily recognizable since they tend to want to stand out from the rest through their actions or their image.

Eccentricity is not considered a problem or a disease, but is seen simply as a form of behavior increasingly characteristic of our time in which each individual wants to stand out and differentiate themselves from the rest. However, the eccentric obtains that prominent place from actions or exaggerated ways of expressing himself that can often be shocking, annoying or disturbing. Also the image is very important for an eccentric person and through it can seek to generate an impression or impact on the people around him. Finally, beyond the behavior or the image, another way of being eccentric is also from the lifestyle that one leads: it can be an extremely luxurious lifestyle in areas where it is not normal or vice versa.

For specialists, the eccentric is not a person with psychological problems, but this type of personality does suppose a great and clear egocentricity that leads the person to constantly think about himself and the possible methods to stand out. Many times, the eccentric person does not have behind him a complex system of values ​​or ideals, but rather demonstrates his eccentricity or his peculiarities in superficial matters such as physical appearance, in the expressions he uses to communicate, etc. This is a typical evil of our society in which eccentricity is the perfect solution to differentiate but without requiring too much commitment or effort.

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