
color palette definition

The concept of color palette is one that is used to designate the set of colors and shades existing or chosen to decorate, paint, color an object or surface. The color palette can be complete, that is, with all known colors, but it can also be the selection of colors based on the similarity of tones, etc.

In the world of plastics, art, decoration, design, the concept of color palette is constantly used to refer to colors. In this sense, the color palette begins with three colors considered basic or elementary: red, yellow and blue. By mixing these colors with each other, all the other colors that are part of a palette can be obtained: when mixing red and yellow, orange is formed; mixing blue and yellow forms green and mixing red and blue forms violet. These newly formed colors are known as secondary colors. In addition, when the palette becomes more complex, there are numerous shades between each color, for example between orange and red there are different shades that can be closer to red or orange depending on the intensity of the color they have. This formation of the color palette is traditionally diagrammed in the form of a circle in which the three primary or basic colors and the secondary colors are interspersed by different intermediate tones.

The color palette is a very important element not only in art but also in decoration and this is the case when measuring which color combination is best to create a certain type of environment or product. It is believed that warm colors tend to generate more cheerful, friendly spaces or products while cold colors are more relaxed and refreshing, so it is recommended in the world of interior decoration to use warm colors such as orange or red for more environments. active and cold colors, light blue, blue, green for relaxing spaces. The same is reproduced in the use made of colors for products, for example, clothing, footwear, etc.

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