
definition of psychological violence

The concept of psychological violence is a social concept that is used to refer to the phenomenon by which one or more people verbally attack another or other people, establishing some type of psychological and emotional damage in the people who are attacked and without that mediates physical contact of any kind, that is, the aggression is only by verbal means without the intervention of physical blows.

Violence that involves the use of disqualifying expressions and in which the physical attack does not intervene

Normally it consists of disqualifying expressions that are precisely intended to demean and belittle the one to whom they are directed.

This basic characteristic of this type of violence sometimes makes it unverifiable, because of course, a blow, an injury is easy to demonstrate, but many times if there are no witnesses or any recording to prove it, it is difficult to prove this type of violence.

Generally, the complaint comes to nothing because they consider that it is the word of one against another.

The notion of psychological violence has been formed to make a difference with that of physical violence since it involves verbal and treatment aggression rather than violence through physical blows or injuries.

Psychological violence is very common in certain social settings, such as domestic (where various types of conflicts and fights usually occur), work, school, etc.

The serious consequences it produces

Specialists consider that psychological violence is one of the worst forms of violence since it involves an attack on the psyche and emotionality of a person.

In this sense, although a blow or physical aggression leaves visible marks and significant pain, a verbal or psychological aggression can hurt much more deeply in the understanding and self-esteem of that person since it is usually attacked by hitting those parts on those that the person feels insecure and that make them feel much weaker and more vulnerable in front of the aggressor (for example, a husband does to his wife exercising a certain level of power and hierarchy that weakens the female figure as a composing part of the couple).

Psychological violence is also invisible and much more difficult to detect in practice since the wounds are not visible, and the usual thing is for the person to hide it, not reveal it, that is, they keep it from themselves and this whole situation ends up corroding it. inwardly.

Thus, the psychological aggression that a husband inflicts on his wife, that that a boss inflicts on his employee or that a person with greater power can exercise another with less power always goes unnoticed at the moment, but the effects they generate on the person they can be much more lasting and painful than physical violence.

The consequences or marks left by psychological violence at some point in life should be treated, because human beings are not machines, at a certain moment, they emerge, suddenly they usually do so, and without the affected person being able to handle them, and then , it will demand urgent treatment many times, because of course what was ignored and covered for so long exerted a level of internal stress such that it will need urgent therapy, and in the most severe cases even medication or hospitalization to avoid the person may harm himself or others.

Unfortunately, the social decomposition that prevails in many parts of the world has caused the levels of verbal violence to grow exponentially, for example at school it has become a common and worrying situation, due to the consequences it generates in children that are the object of it.

The famous bullying or bullying runs deep into children who suffer from it and often ends up leading to fantastic and very painful dramas when the person who suffers it enters into extreme crisis thanks to them.

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