
definition of decontextualize

The context in which something happens or in which a certain phrase is said is very important to understand the overall message. For this reason, when we take something out of context we are decontextualizing it, in this way, that fact or that information can lead to misinterpretations since it lacks real objectivity.

In the context of the pink press, famous people comment in a common way that a certain statement published in an interview was taken out of context, in this way, when this happens, it seems that the person said something when in reality, what he said is something very different.

The same phrase can sound totally different depending on the details of the context. Therefore, when we communicate with our friends and family we must always try to keep this type of detail in mind.

The nuances of writing

In addition, when we write information through whatsapp or an email we also have to consider that in spoken language there is the added value of body language (this does not happen in written language). For this reason, it is so important to try to limit the context as best as possible. Something that is becoming increasingly difficult in abbreviated communication such as sms since so much abbreviation leads to losing sight of many nuances that are important in understanding a message.

In fact, taking things out of context can also be the reason for discussions with a partner or friendship. This type of situation is experienced when a discussion begins from what one said and that the other interpreted in a totally different way than what he wanted to express. That is, in this type of case, what one says and what the other understands, are not the same.

The conciseness of language

Contextualizing information in communication forces us to try to make good use of communication through the wide wealth of vocabulary that we have at our fingertips and looking for the meaning of our words because what we say and how we say it in a certain framework, we helps create a reference context that is positive for the listener. Otherwise, a distortion of reality occurs.

Photo: iStock - anyaberkut

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