
definition of bradypnea

The bradypnea is a term used to refer to a decrease in respiratory rate. It is a sign that accompanies various disorders of the respiratory system.

Bradypnea must be distinguished from two related terms. On the one hand we have the dyspnoea, which is a condition where breathing is carried out with difficulty. Another is the apnea, where there is absence of respiration.

Normal respiratory rate

Under normal conditions we adults breathe in an average of 12 to 20 times every minute. Children tend to have a greater number of breaths that reach 25. In the case of infants and children in the lactation stage, the respiratory rate is between 25. When this rate decreases below 12 breaths per minute, we speak of bradypnea.

In order to determine the respiratory rate, it is necessary to look at the person while breathing. It can also be done during auscultation of the chest.

Main causes of bradypnea

The respiratory rate can decrease in various disorders, mainly:

- In people who carry out sports training, since they have a greater efficiency in the consumption of oxygen.

- When there is involvement of the muscles related to breathing, as is the case with the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm muscle. This occurs as a consequence of some diseases of the nervous system that are accompanied by muscle paralysis.

- In traumatic conditions when there are fractures of the ribs and / or the sternum. In these cases the person breathes less frequently as a mechanism to avoid pain.

- In people who suffer from diseases that obstruct the normal passage of air through the bronchi, mainly in asthmatics and emphysematous with chronic bronchitis. In both cases, inspiration and expiration are prolonged in time, producing a decrease in the number of breaths.

- Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol in excess is capable of depressing the function of the respiratory system producing bradypnea.

- Medication use. Some medications such as sedatives could decrease the respiratory rate, causing bradypnea. This also occurs with those who take opioid-based pain medication (derived from morphine).

What to do in case of bradypnea?

Before carrying out any measure it is necessary to identify the cause.

If the person is stable and can breathe without difficulty, it is advisable to see a doctor to evaluate if there is any damage to the respiratory or nervous system that is causing this condition.

In the case of people with a history of asthma or chronic bronchitis, it is important to give them the rescue medication they use in this type of situation. These mainly include bronchodilator medications that are used as inhalers or nebulized.

People who have bradypnea and also show signs of shortness of breath (such as loud sounds when taking the air, sinking of the muscles between the ribs or above the clavicles, or flapping of the nose) should be transferred immediately to an emergency unit . In this condition, the supply of oxygen to the various tissues can be compromised, which can cause serious damage and sequelae.

Photo: Fotolia - RFBSIP

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