
definition of infatuation

Falling in love can be understood as a set of positive sensations that are experienced both physically and emotionally and mentally when a person feels a deep love for another, that is, falling in love consists of the sudden, natural appearance of the feeling of love in someone.

Feeling of love that someone feels for another person and that usually occurs in the first stage of the relationship

If we had to locate the infatuation in the stages that love relationships normally have, the aforementioned should be placed in the first stage of the relationship, where each of the members of the couple perceives from the other only the positive, the good, the beautiful , the commendable and nothing is repaired in the negative or questionable, if any. Of course, it is a stage or phase in which the ideal conception of the other prevails, which is often far from reality.

More characteristic manifestations

Meanwhile, there are specific characteristics that allow diagnosing someone's infatuation such as being obsessed with the other, which is what makes him or her see him as perfect and ideal, which will provide us with happiness forever because he is someone who has no defects. Of course, this is far from a concrete reality, since it is impossible to be human without defects or vices.

But of course, in that first stage, as we have pointed out, everything is idyllic and by case the negative things of the other are not seen, and only the enjoyment of that first moment of love prevails in which passion flows in a fantastic way and is capable of "Cover" everything.

During this moment of love, the exchange of details and attention to the other prevails. The most romantic dedicate poems, songs, give flowers, sweets, write love letters, and on the other hand they do not skimp on physical demonstrations of passion, they hardly see each other, they hug for a long time, they kiss constantly, they go hand in hand. And that nobody dares to say something negative or ugly about that person who falls in love because surely he will "pay" for it with great discontent on the part of the lover who will not accept it in any way and will get angry.

For this stage of love, a very popular phrase has been created, which we all usually use, and which somehow synthesizes what we have been saying: "love is blind."

Falling in love is based precisely on the presence of love in a romantic sense since although one can feel love and affection for family members, for friends, the feeling of falling in love occurs with someone with whom one tries or wants to form a couple.

Usually, falling in love is considered simply an emotional state but the reality is that this situation involves much more since it could be described as a completely particular way of dealing with reality.

The state of infatuation occurs from the moment in which one person identifies another and links them purely and exclusively with positive sensations: joy, passion, love, excitement, emotion, affection, sensuality. All these identifications that are applied to another are converted and interpreted both physically and emotionally or psychically and that is why when an individual is in love with another, he develops a positive and joyful vision towards most things. that happen around him (or at least he doesn't let negative things cloud that feeling of happiness).

Generally, it is considered that a person falls in love with another when he discovers and knows many aspects of their personality or their way of being. Although falling in love also means physical attraction, it cannot be limited to that aspect since that would only be an aesthetic question. Falling in love can be perhaps one of the most positive sensations that a human being can experience, but as it means that all emotions are on the surface, any disappointment or failure can be experienced with much more pain than normal.

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