
definition of persuade

That of persuade is a word that in our language allows to refer to the action from which someone is convinced to do or stop doing something.

Action through which it is sought to convince another to do or think this or that thing

The mission or objective will be for the interlocutor to modify their way of thinking or their behaviors, while to achieve this it is essential to exert an influence on them through their emotions and feelings, that is, they will be appealed to and will also be delivered certain sensitive information that he did not know, in order to achieve the desired change in favor.

This term has a variety of synonyms, although undoubtedly that of convince is the one that we use the most in its place, while the concept that directly opposes it is that of talk out that just refers the move, insist on someone to give up the performance of an action or activity or to forget some purpose or idea.

The of the persuasion is a capacity, a faculty, that someone has and that allows him to convince another of something.

Ability to instill in the other that if you change your position you will get benefits

Through the use of convincing arguments that make it possible to convince the public that their position is wrong or not correct, while the one proclaimed by the persuader is the appropriate one, because it is the one that will allow them to achieve a series of benefits or personal or collective advantages .

An effective tool widely used in commerce, advertising, and politics

For this matter of achieving the conviction and approval of the other is that persuasion is one of the most important tools at the request of the sale of products and services and also in the field of politicsBoth contexts in which, without a doubt, without the consent of the public it is difficult to succeed and prevail.

With persuasion what you are looking for is directly influence beliefs, behaviors, actions and motivations presented by people so that they end up accepting a situation that we propose to them or change their positions and turn towards our proposal.

This process of persuasion is made concrete from the use of various resources, although the word is one of the tools par excellence when convincing the other.

Main strategies

There are a variety of strategies, techniques, that help in achieving persuasion, such as: reciprocity (because people are almost always inclined to return favors), commitment (once individuals commit to something, they comply strictly with it, even and despite the change in initial conditions), social proof (People usually copy what others do, therefore, if the other person buys it, I will do it too), authority (people are convinced that someone with authority on a subject has an opinion on this or that topic), shortage (If it is known that something, an offer for example, will be in force from that date to that date, it will generate the need to consume it before that moment due to the fear of losing it) and the taste (We individuals are inclined to do what the person we like tells us).

Currently, it is a hyper-extended resource at the request of the advertising of goods and services that uses the image of a recognized personality, with talent or with professional or moral authority to sell said products.

Journalists, for example, are the professionals that many brands decide to hire when they want to convey to their clients or potential consumers confidence regarding a product.

When the public appreciates the message that comes from a communicator with experience, and associated with values ​​such as honesty, it will awaken confidence and they will not doubt the quality of the product because that so honest journalist is telling them.

On the other hand, athletes and celebrities are mostly used by marketing when it comes to wanting to convince the public to buy this or that brand or product because it will provide them with the style, beauty and look that they admire so much in their idols.

Years go by and this tool to summon an authority or celebrity is still hyper in force in the commercial world and is one of the most effective tools when it comes to getting more sales and identification with a good or brand.

This resource has also been transferred to politics and it is common to see athletes, actors, musicians and other personalities in campaigns expressing their support for this or that candidacy.

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