
definition of visual

Visual refers to that straight line that includes from the human eye to the object or objects of attention, that is, visual is everything that can be perceived with the gaze and the eyes, the organs par excellence of the sense of sight, which is of the five senses that human beings have, they will be the ones that allow us to see things in the sensitive world that surrounds us.

First of all, the visual implies the ability to detect light and the possibilities of interpreting it. First, the image of the stimulus is formed in front of the retina and it will be the cells that integrate it, the photoreceptors, which will be in charge of capturing the light, then other cells, also of the retina, are in charge of transforming this light into impulses. electrochemicals and transport them to the optic nerve and from there to the brain regions whose task is the final decoding of these and the subsequent construction of the distances, movements, colors and shapes of the objects that surround us and enter our vision.

Vision uses and uses numerous sources of information to interpret and get an idea of ​​the world around us. For example, the use of the eyes or also called binocular vision is what allows us to determine the distance of any object or make the distinction between different movements, such as the typical movement of an animal such as the cat and the movement that stars in this , but with a garden in the background and with some prey in its mouth.

Although the formal study of the visual began in the 19th century thanks to the contribution of scholars such as Hermann von Helmholtz, responsible for the first psychophysical experiments and methods that tried to shed light on issues such as those mentioned above, it would not be until the 20th century, when the German Gestalt school began to stomp, it will be discovered that vision is also strongly guided by processes that involve a top-down journey and by phenomena such as that human beings tend to complete those images that are presented to us as incomplete before our eyes.


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