
definition of force

The force is the vector magnitude by which a body can deform, modify its speed or put itself in motion overcoming a state of inertia and immobility. Basically the power or influence of force focuses on the ability to modify the state of motion or rest that a body already has x.

Although Archimedes, or Galileo Galilei on the other hand, were the first to experiment and formulate the first appreciations about force, it will be Isaac Newton who formulates the best definition of force mathematically and the one that prevails to this day.

There are four fundamental forces in the universe, gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear interaction, and weak nuclear interaction.

The first is the force of attraction that one mass exerts over another and affects all bodies without exception. The second and as its name suggests, is the one that affects electrically charged bodies, it has a lot to do with the physical and chemical transformations of atoms and molecules and can have an attractive and a repulsive meaning. The strong nuclear one is by which the atomic nuclei are held together and finally the weak nuclear one results in the beta decay of the neutrons.

But away from neutrons, protons, or electrons, the Strength is also one of the most precious physical qualities in the sports environment, since to carry out any movement, move in space, move, lift or push objects, we need the blessed strength.

Likewise, our posture already demands a force because otherwise we would not overcome gravity and we would inevitably fall to the ground.

In any sporting activity that is deployed and according to what scholars of the matter say, there are two types of force, static and dynamic. In the first, tension is exerted on a resistance without any displacement and in the second, when the resistance is overcome or displaced, the muscle is displaced.

Meanwhile, they also say that the force can be maximum, when a maximum load is mobilized regardless of the time used to do it (weight lifting), resistance force that is the application of a force that does not reach the maximum for a long time (rowing) and finally we find the explosive, which is the ability to mobilize a non-maximum load in the shortest possible time (throwing discs for example).

According to the International System of Units, it is the newton, in tribute precisely to one of those who contributed the most in this sense, the name by which the unit of force measurement is called. It is symbolized by the capital letter N.

Other uses of the word

It should be noted that in our language the word force also has other extended uses that are somehow linked to the reference set out above.

When someone has the vigor and robustness to move some heavy object or element from place, or failing that when he demonstrates those same qualities but in order to overcome an obstacle and achieve an end, it will be spoken in terms of strength. In the latter case we are faced with what we could consider as a psychic force and that is so important and decisive many times when it comes to overcoming problems or achieving projects. That is, it will be said that it is thanks to that force that he managed to move the object or achieve his goal.

Also, the word force allows us to give an account of the intensity that something presents, for example, someone's cry or cry had an incredible force.

Likewise, the word force is associated with issues such as power, authority, especially since a legitimate authority has the force to oblige those it leads to comply with current regulations.

On the other hand, in terms of physical violence, the question of force also always comes into play, because when violence materializes it is because someone will be imposing his or her force on another who, on the contrary, in terms of force measurement, turns out to be weaker and weaker. consequently, he will be the one who loses in the contest.

And for its part, the concept of work force, widely applied at the behest of Sociology, names those physical and mental conditions that an individual shows and that puts them into action when it is necessary to carry out a certain job. The concept was created and extended by the German philosopher Karl Marx in one of his greatest works, Capital, published in 1867.

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