
definition of integrity

The word integrity It is widely and widely used in our language.

Totality of something or someone, they are presented complete with all its components

When you want to express the totality or fullness presented by something or someone the term integrity is used to account for this.

If the concept is applied to a thing or object, we want to indicate with which that object is found made up of all its elements, not missing any, and in correct operation.

Probity and adherence to the moral values ​​that someone has

Meanwhile, as we will see below, if we apply it to an individual we can refer to the correctness and honesty that it possesses.

Now, within the concept we must also include the physical plane, impossible to ignore, that is, the integrity of a person implies his moral dimension, this implies the values ​​he has and the way in which he behaves in life, as we have already pointed out. , but also the physics that is closely linked with their body and that supposes that an individual cannot be attacked, manipulated, physically violated, and much less if there is no prior consent on the part of the interested party.

Physical integrity: a right that must be preserved

If this happens, it would be incurring a very serious offense against precisely the physical integrity of a person and whoever affects him may be denounced, and if his guilt is found, he must pay for that damage according to what the justice establishes.

The physical integrity of people is a right and must be protected and guaranteed by the states.

The concept of physical integrity refers to the body as a healthy entity both internally and externally.

Among the examples of the affectation in this sense we can cite the blow that a person suffers in a robbery on the part of the criminal who attacks him; a medical procedure that hurts and for which there was no consent from the patient affected by it; and mental integrity can be compromised from verbal threats or other sayings that affect someone's mental health.

Righteousness in acting

And on the other hand, the word integrity is usually used when you want to indicate the rectitude that a person exhibits in their actions and thinking.

When an individual has integrity, he will be classified as integrity and it will be easy to recognize because he will act in a balanced, honest and fair way, that is, he will face with all his effort the injustices that arise and attack him or his environment.

Whoever exudes integrity in his behavior will be trusted precisely because he will always act in the right direction and not looking for the action to bring him a benefit.

An appreciated value

For example, integrity in this sense is considered a fundamental value in people, and that arouses admiration in others when being appreciated, because of course, it is known in advance that this person will act in accordance with their principles and ideas and that He will never betray them, for anything in the world, or for all the money offered to him to modify them, and that is precisely where the valuation lies, in that commitment.

So it is that people are the only ones responsible and with authority to decide on their lives in every plane, the physical and the moral, no one, or nothing can affect the right, or bend it by forcing it to carry out actions or submit.

For this sense of the word there are many synonyms of hyper popular use such as decency and honesty, while the concept that opposes it is that of corruption, which is used to indicate the commission of some bribery or bribery.

Purity that someone disposes

Also, the word integrity is used to designate chastity, purity and virginity available to a person.

Data, message and referential integrity

On the other hand, the word integrity appears linked to other terms giving rise to concepts such as: data integrity, message integrity and referential integrity.

At the request of the databases, referential integrity It turns out to be a required property in these because it guarantees that a record is associated with other valid ones that are also part of the database.

For this to be fulfilled, there are programs that make it a reality and therefore avoid incorrect data, repetitions and bad associations between data.

And continuing with the databases, data integrity of a base consists of the correction exhibited by all the components of the same.

In terms of computing, there are functions that guarantee the message integrity It consists in that the message that one individual sends to another is not modified.

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