
definition of similarity

The term similarity refers to that characteristic that allows establishing how similar or similar two autonomous entities are, that is, similarity is that common quality that we can find between objects and people.

Family factors or pure chance

When the similarity is found between people, it may be due to a coincidence, that is, two people who do not have blood ties or any other type in common are physically alike and voila. Or there are blood ties that make an individual look a lot like another with whom they are united. Obviously this last situation is the most common and no one would be surprised by it because it is biology that allows it, however, when the similarity occurs between people who do not even know each other, it is certainly curious and causes astonishment.

For example, when two siblings, without being twins or even twins, present physical traits such as: nose, hair, height, among others, or failing that with regard to character and personality, almost, almost the same conditions , the word similarity is often used to account for this similarity that exists between the two.

In as much, it does not necessarily have to be members of a family to speak of similarity, many times it happens that we find a person who bears an incredible similarity with another with whom they do not share any blood tie and even more, they do not even know each other, as indicated lines above. Consider a friend of ours who incredibly has no blood connection to a very famous Hollywod actor but physically they turn out to be identical. This fact is undoubtedly amazing and there are many in the whole world, who have not known one ...

Same creative hands in the likeness of objects

Meanwhile, when the similarity is between objects, it can be in terms of size, color or shape. For example, "the color of the neighbor's car is similar to that of my friend Juan."

Many times when several products or objects are manufactured by the same company it is possible to find certain similarities in them. It may even happen that the person responsible for the design of an object today works for one company and tomorrow for another and then when designing, his creative brand is so present that it is possible to find the similarity in another article.

Similarity of geometric figures

What's more, The term similarity has a special presence at the behest of mathematics, since in this context it is applied when referring to geometric figures and specifically when they are different in size but not in shape, being the same similar. We will speak of similarity of triangles when two triangles have a similar shape. Two triangles will be similar, that is, a similarity situation will be established between them, if their angles are equal two by two.

Religion: created in the image and likeness of God

And in approaching this concept we cannot ignore the relevance that the concept has had historically in the Christian religion, with regard to the very important fact that surrounds the creation of man and woman by God. In the Bible, in the book of Genesis, it is stated that God created human beings in his image and likeness, a fact that has given believers that God is similar to us even though they have not seen it with their own eyes. .

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