
definition of human

The term human is used to refer to the only living beings that have developed certain characteristics such as reasoning, oral and written language, bipedal posture and coexistence in complex social structures. The human being belongs to the world of animals, to the class of mammals and to the order of primates, an order shared with other living beings such as the chimpanzee or the gorilla (considered their ancestors). The term comes from the Latin 'homo' or man.

It is estimated that the current human being is the most perfected evolution of ancient hominids that found direct relationships with primates. These hominids were acquiring new characteristics that began to differentiate them from primates, ranging from the acquisition of a more upright and bipedal posture, greater brain size and capacity, opposing thumbs to the manufacture of various types of tools. Today's man is scientifically known as Homo Sapiens Sapiens and it is the only one that came to populate the entire planetary space while others only survived in certain environments.

In addition to its genetic characteristics, the human being is recognized especially for the development and acquisition of elements that make it unique in the realm of living beings. In this sense, the human being is the only one who has been able to develop reasoning or the use of a rational and abstract mental capacity. This has allowed it to build complex social systems that can go from being simple communities to very important civilizations.

The development of culture is undoubtedly another of the exclusive features of the human being, the one that differentiates it from the rest of living beings. Culture is everything that is produced by man and that has to do with his artistic, technical or religious expressions. In many ways, culture has to do with the power of abstraction that the human being possesses.

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