
definition of benefits

The term Provision corresponds to the plural of the word Provision, inasmuch as, by provision it refers to that service that an authority, or failing that a contracting party, offers or requires from another.

But this is one of the meanings of the term benefit, because it is also widely used by common people. when you want to give an account of the performance or the technical characteristics of a certain machine or machinery.

One of the most widespread and used concepts found in relation to the concept of benefits is that of social benefits.

A benefit is that service that the State, public institutions or private companies are obliged to offer their employees and that will guarantee them some basic needs and improvements in the quality of life, such as health care and that of his family.

Added to the salary and the corresponding financial incentives, the workers will receive a series of benefits that are of the utmost importance almost like their remuneration, such as: vacations, pension, profit sharing, life insurance, discounts on the products marketed by the company.

There are several benefit plans, including ...supplementary benefits, are those remunerations for time not worked and are differentiated according to the corresponding legislation (unemployment insurance, for vacations, holidays), insurance benefits, those compensations that are assigned to workers in the event of an accident at their workplace or to their relatives in the event of the death of a worker at their workplace and as a consequence of this.

These include, surgery plans, visits to medical specialists. Features retiro, are those pension plans for retired workers, such as savings plans and the provision of services, which is offered in some companies, not all and which is the one that the company makes available to the employee in case of needing legal advice , accounting, family, job relocation, among others. For example, if a worker needs a nursery to take care of his baby while he works, the company that observes the retirement benefits will take care of providing it or facilitating it.

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