
definition of personal diary

On literature is named personal diary or simply daily, yet subgenre that integrates the genre of biography, more precisely from the autobiography, and which consists of the narration carried out by a person, the author of the diary, of the personal experiences that they are going through.

Subgenre of biography that consists of personal and first-person narration that someone executes about their experiences and feelings

Without a doubt, the personal journal is an element that many people have had or have, and writing it is a widespread practice throughout the world.

Even the motivation to do so begins from an early age, it is common for children to ask their parents to buy them a diary that they jealously keep and in which they write everything that happens to them, the good and the bad.

General characteristics

Due to this situation, the personal diary is written in the first person, and both the narrator and the author are the same.

The verb tense that is handled is the present and the past or future is used eventually to comment on issues or projects.

The way of writing is obviously colloquial, close and simple, because the person who writes it talks about himself and his interests, he talks in some way to himself.

Regarding the regularity of his writing, we must say that it is normally daily, the person who cultivates a journal of this type writes in it almost every day.

Among its particular signs we can cite the fragmentation with which it is written and the consignment of the date before the beginning of each narration, so that the person has a specific idea of ​​the day on which he was dumping that story or experience in his diary, and perhaps later interpret their why.

A personal space to reflect, interpret, express yourself

So, very, very personal meditations, past or recent experiences that produce an important mobilization in the author, are the questions that are normally written in a diary of these characteristics, and as we said above, they are the starting point of deep mental interpretations and introspections, and many use this medium as a certainly effective means of undoing love and friendship disappointments, family quarrels, among other events that cause regret.

Of course, there is also space and a lot for beauty, since there are many people who express their most beautiful feelings of love for their lovers.

Although for some it is a waste of time the daily writing of everything that happens in their life, for many others it is an excellent alternative to keep a record of those important and unforgettable experiences, to reflect on personal things and to get to know each other more deeply.

Mostly, personal diaries are read only by their author, especially because of the private and intimate issues that are involved in it.

For this reason, personal diaries, especially those of famous, public personalities, once they come to light, usually arouse enormous attention from the public and the press, who of course want to know intimate details of the star in question. , with the aggravation of being written in his own handwriting.

Now, there are different types of personal diaries, the one mentioned in the preceding paragraph is an intimate personal diary, in which the author writes his feelings, emotions, thoughts, among others, regarding situations or people.

This type is characterized by a rather colloquial language in which a rather intimate atmosphere proliferates.

The Diary of Anne Frank, an emblem and a historical document on the Holocaust

Among the most famous personal diaries, the Ana Frank's diary, which is the one that was written by the young Jewish Anne Frank, between the years 1942 and 1944, within the framework of their flight and hiding from the Nazis when they occupied Amsterdam, during the Second World War.

The notebooks in which Ana turned all these experiences were given to her father, Otto Frank, who was saved from the concentration camps, not Ana and the rest of her family, and after the war decided to publish them in a book that would become hyper famous and an emblem of the experiences of the Holocaust.

Ana's diary became one of the most widely read books in the world and of course also helped a lot in the knowledge of that tremendous tragedy.

And on the other hand, we can also find personal diaries whose mission is to guide the activities, plans, or projects that a person has in the framework of a professional activity.

In this type, each appointment, each binding task to be carried out is noted.

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