
definition of federation

The term of federation is designated as that state made up of the meeting of several territorial units, a federation, it is also usually called a federal state or federal republic and mostly the republican system as a system of government and in very few exceptions the monarchical system.

The most characteristic and salient feature of the Federation is that These various units or entities that comprise it are self-governing, that is, they enjoy a greater or lesser degree of autonomy, but in any case they legislate and govern with respect to certain questions or matters that concern them.. The status of that self-government is stipulated and established in the constitutions themselves, which although it generally happens that they are subject to the mother constitution, unilaterally they cannot be ignored by the government of the federation.

On the other hand, the federations they can be multi-ethnic, that is to say, summon several races and also spread across wide territories, in the meantime, the political organization that will characterize them will be federalism.

The parts that make up a federation in general are called federated states, to differentiate them from the national states, but of course, there are some variants according to the place in the world in which they are given, for example, in Argentina, the federated states are given them. denominates provinces, in Switzerland, cantons and in Canada also provinces as happens in Argentina.

It is in matters of an international nature that mostly the federated states do not have the competence to understand, leaving these in the orbit of the federated national government.

On the other hand, It is designated with the term of federation to that city located on the right bank of the Uruguay River and that belongs to the Argentine province of Entre Ríos.

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