
definition of vigorous

The word vigorous is used to account for that or that which has vigor, strength, because one of the concepts with which the concept of vigor is closely related is precisely that of strength. Thanks to the new medication my hair looks vigorous like never before. Since going to the gym regularly, my husband has become a vigorous man.

In the case of applying the term to individuals, we speak of a vigorous person, which is usually those who have a very strong energy.

In addition, the word vigorous is linked to concepts such as: energetic, powerful, active, burly, robust, muscular, vital and strong, among others.

Meanwhile, the concepts that directly oppose the vigorous expression are: weak, shy and powerless.

On your side, the vigor turns out to be the notable strength or activity, something that is done with vigor will be found done with a very special impetus. In any case, this is not the only use that the word vigor finds, being also frequent that it is used to designate the duration of styles and customs and the force of obligation presented by laws, ordinances or special regulations of some organizations.

Also, the word vigor is used at the behest of the literary or artistic works to designate the energetic expression or intonation.

And in sexuality It is also recurrent to hear about vigor in relation to the sexual potency that a man presents when satisfying the sexual needs of his partner; When the man is able to have sexual intercourse very frequently or a long-term sexual intercourse, we speak of sexual vigor. Therefore, the absence of vigor, in this sense, is immediately related to the lack of masculinity. Currently there are a large number of drugs and products that help increase sexual vigor.

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