
definition of details

The term details corresponds to the plural of the term detail. Meanwhile, depending on the circumstance, the word detail may refer to different issues ...

Small part that corresponds to something larger

That small part that is part of a larger part, a detail and a fragment. "The detail of an intense red color that the artist applied to the landscape of the painting was what most caught my attention about the work."

Fact that clarifies or completes a story

On the other hand, to the circumstance that has the mission of clarifying or completing a story it is also known as a detail. "Juana asked me to call her back from the party to tell her all the details, such as: who was in charge of the organization, who designed the bride's dress, who the groom's, what were the souvenirs, what did it consist of? the menu, the music that entertained the meeting, how many guests there were, who was invited to dinner and who only to the party, among others ”.

Show kindness

Although on the other hand, when someone talks about detail, in reality what they are referring to is the delicacy or show of kindness that someone has or had towards us in a certain situation. "That Juan's mother called me to congratulate me on my anniversary was a great detail on her part." "The detail of the flowers, without a doubt, was what brought me closer to Juan".

The details of this type usually occur as a result of a favor that someone does us and then as a cordial response to that help, they usually respond with a kind gesture or with some material gift.

The details we talk about can consist of hugs, transmission of messages, calls, gifts, among others.

There are people who like them very much and are very aware of the details that others have for them. They may even get angry if they do something for another and that does not respond with some detail that denotes their appreciation.

Detail of economic expenses

On the other hand, in some circumstances, for example the expenses incurred by a company or a family, it is usual, especially when they exceed expectations and the accounts are not in a good situation, that a detailed detail is requested from all expenses incurred, daily and extraordinary.

But of course, when the detail of the expenses is requested, it does not matter that they give us a total but what we need is that each expense, item purchased, service or product purchased with its respective purchase value be listed separately and identified.

In this way, when we have each individualized expense we can carry out an exhaustive and careful analysis and know in a conclusive way what is being spent well and what money is being wasted on.

Many times when companies are large, or it is also very frequent in the public administration, and there is not a correct control of expenses, there are usually expenses that are not authorized, or even directly withdrawals of money, which harm the correct financial functioning.

Then, when this type of situation becomes evident, it is advisable to hire a seasoned professional in this regard who takes care of precisely surveying in detail each of the expenses incurred in order to detect anomalies and also eliminate those expenses that are superfluous and unnecessary.

Meanwhile, the Expression in detail or in detail is often used to refer to something that is carried out carefully and in depth. "His work involves studying respiratory diseases in detail and then finding the best medicines that will counteract them."

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