
definition of pregnancy

It is known as pregnancy to the period of time that goes, from the fertilization of the ovum by the sperm, until the moment of delivery. This includes the physical processes of growth and development of the fetus in the mother's womb and also the important changes that the latter experiences, which in addition to being physical are morphological and metabolic.

Human pregnancy lasts a total of 40 weeks, equivalent to 9 calendar months. In gilts, as the women who will give birth for the first time and those who will not, but are less likely, are called, the first trimester of pregnancy turns out to be the most risky due to the possibility of losing it (spontaneous abortion). Meanwhile, once the fetal viability point begins in the third, this means that the baby is already able to survive extrauterine without the need for medical support. Although the technical means available differ depending on the resources and social factors, it is estimated that a fetus of 24 to 26 weeks would be able to survive with the appropriate medical care. These children are called extreme preterm infants. In contrast, preterm infants with slightly more gestational age (30 or more weeks) could survive with a lower level of care complexity, as long as the lungs have reached the necessary maturity.

Between the more recurrent symptoms and normals who anticipate or announce this long-awaited moment by couples who decide to have children are the absence of menstrual period or amenorrhea, tender nipples, breast enlargement, drowsiness, morning vomiting, dizziness, changes in perceiving smells that you used to get used to, and the need to eat certain types of meals or foods, which we more commonly know as cravings. The professional diagnosis of pregnancy is carried out in the early stages of amenorrhea through the determination of a hormone, called chorionic gonadotropin, through the known kits commercial for tests in urine or by means of its measurement in blood.

Another sign that can also be an indicator of pregnancy is the incipient and uncontrollable urge to urinate every moment, generally every hour. This situation occurs as a consequence of the increase in the size of the uterus, where the future baby will stay until its birth, which is the one that oppresses the bladder. This carries the associated risk of an increased likelihood of UTIs, which can lead to serious pregnancy complications.

On the other hand, weight gain (as a result of the growth of the baby, the placenta and the blood volume) is a normal and expected phenomenon. In women of normal weight before conception, it is postulated that an increase of one kilogram per month is the ideal goal. However, the anxiety that causes pregnancy often results in many mothers an urge to eat more and, with it, they experience excessive weight gain that is often difficult to reverse even after delivery. Maternal obesity prior to conception and excessive weight gain during pregnancy are associated with a higher risk of complications such as gestational diabetes or hypertension, which are associated with high morbidity for the mother and the baby.

Pregnancies in average women are usually unique; however, there is also the possibility of a multiple pregnancy. This can occur in hereditary conditions, that is, if my grandmother had twins, then it is likely that I also have a pair of twins. They can also occur as a consequence of assisted fertilization techniques, a situation that has been seen a lot in recent years in women who underwent this type of practice due to the impossibility of conceiving in a traditional way. Thus, the implantation of numerous ovules triggers a greater probability of multiple pregnancies. Another consequence of the "medicalization" of pregnancy has been an increase in the rate of cesarean sections, many times unnecessary, since, although they free the mother from the always dreaded pains associated with childbirth, they do not cease to constitute a surgical act, with the risks that this can cause in the woman and the baby. Therefore, within the logical possibilities of each particular case, the alternative of classic vaginal delivery should be preferred for a happy ending of the pregnancy.

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