
definition of determination

The word determination It admits several uses in our language, although, among the most widespread, undoubtedly, the one that expresses through it stands out decision and resolution regarding something.

Decision in relation to any matter

That is, when the word is used in that sense it is because a decision will be made regarding any situation to be resolved. “I made the determination to end my relationship with Patricio, he has no future and it hurts me.”

So, the most used synonym for this reference is that of decision.

People are very familiar with the determinations, because every day we are making some in relation to the various situations that our life presents us, choices that we make and proceed to specify in our daily lives.

All determinations are driven by a specific objective, a fact that will be taken into account to evaluate good or bad determinations.

Now, beyond the previous considerations that can be made to avoid making bad decisions, there will always be a margin of error and it is possible that a bad determination is incurred that brings us negative consequences.

In any case, even if the results are not good, it is always possible to rethink and make a new determination that produces better results than those obtained in the first election.

For this reason we comment, it is common that at those levels in which decisions are constantly made, a special strategy is developed, a plan is followed, with the mission of making as little mistakes as possible.

The goal, putting such a strategy into practice, is to achieve a positive determination that produces optimal results.

People who occupy important positions and who are in charge of making decisions that affect a large number of people should have this assistance to make as little mistakes as possible.

There are professionals who are dedicated to this task precisely of advising executives, politicians and companies to bring them closer to successful determinations.

Boldness and courage that someone presents

On the other hand, the determination may consist of the daring, the courage or daring with which a person acts, behaves, in a certain situation.

You have to show more determination to your son or else he will always take you ahead. Thanks to his determination he graduated before the end of the year.”

In other words, this sense of the term is especially used to indicate the absence or presence of value in someone.

The other side will be the hesitation, because whoever acts hesitantly in the face of something will not have firmness or security in the steps he takes in his life, and this will be noticed, because he will be observed before each determination with doubts, with uncertainties, without knowing exactly what path to take to be successful.

Meanwhile, this will not happen to the person with determination, far from it because he is absolutely sure of himself and he is convinced that what he is doing is the way to success.

It is common for all of us to hesitate at some time in the face of a choice, however, when this is repeated it will be indicating the internal insecurity that we suffer.

Setting limits on something

Another use that is also attributed to the word is that of setting the limits that something will present.

If we do not proceed to a concrete and efficient determination of borders, we will suffer a constant problem of illegal trade.”

Characteristics of something

Also, the word is used for define the characteristics of something.

The doctor sent him to do several studies in order to reach a definitive determination of his disease.

Among the most used synonyms for these last two senses of the word indicated, the one of evaluation.

Meanwhile, the opposing concept is that of indecision, which precisely refers the difficulty that someone presents when having to decide on something.

Self-determination: independence from a person or group that allows you to make your own decisions

For its part, self determination It consists of the independence available to a person, a group, an entity, and which will then allow them to make their own decisions on matters of interest without having to consult the decision with anyone.

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