
definition of location

The location it is determining where a person or thing is located. “ The assistants of the academic secretariat are those who will be in charge of locating the students. " And also by location is understood to delimitation and location of something. “Once the location of your condition is determined, a treatment can be outlined.”

People and objects are located in a certain space, while that location is called location. It is necessary to know for sure what that location is, the coordinates, which give us reference points, to trace and communicate them.

In large cities the location is viable thanks to the streets, avenues, and the heights of the same, and also to the neighborhoods in which those streets are.

From the point of view of geography, the location is plausible via latitudes and longitudes, by drawing imaginary lines known as Meridans and parallels, which allow us to locate a specific geographical point.

Constantly, human beings, we deploy the location action, for example, when we have to go to a geographical place that we do not know, we will put into practice all those elements inherent to the location such as maps, a GPS, and we will even try to find those recommendations from someone who knows the area and who can tell us how to locate it easily.

The development of technology applied to this topic brought great changes and advances

The great development brought about by new technologies, especially the internet and the aforementioned GPS system, have made it possible in a fantastic way to locate places that have to be reached and it is not known well which way or route to do it in a suitable way. .

These highly developed systems that are constantly updated, allow you to place the address of a destination and in seconds offers all the information on how to get there, time, kilometers and the route to take.

With all these technologies at our service it is impossible today to get lost or not know how to get to a place, even the most remote ...

Smart cell phones also come equipped with GPS and map applications that allow you to instantly search for destinations and streets.

It is also possible to download various types of applications that allow us not only to locate places but also to know how to get to them in various means of locomotion or on foot.

For its part, the GSM location It is a service offered by mobile phone operators and that consists of determining with great precision the physical place where a mobile is located.

The automatic vehicle location is a system that facilitates the detection of a vehicle in a particular area by integrating various technologies.

The stars and the compass, the great locators of the past

Of course, all this that we have been discussing contrasts markedly with the basic and very rudimentary resources that were available in the remote past in this regard.

Since the maps lacked scales and this made it difficult for those who appreciated them to have a certain idea of ​​the locations.

Among the great guides we can mention the stars, who commonly served as guides to navigators to know where they were located and which way they had to take to reach their destination. Today this all sounds incredible with the technologies that we have at our disposal.

Meanwhile, the invention of the compass, back in the 9th century in China, was a hinge event since it facilitated a very precise location of the cardinal points.

Computer science: software adaptation

On the other hand, at the request of the computing, Localization is called a process of adapting the software for a specific region from the integration of specific components.

Feng Shui: geographical orientation of the home

And within the Feng shui, a system of ancient Chinese aesthetics that uses the laws of heaven and earth to help people improve their lives and always direct them to the positive, location is the concept used to refer to the area corresponding to a certain geographic orientation within the house.

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