
definition of evening

The one of Evening is a concept that refers to what happens, belongs to or is related to the afternoon. The afternoon, in a way, is the second part of the dayThe first is the morning and once it ends, it leads to the night. The afternoon begins after noon and ends at sunset.

What happens or is linked to the afternoon, which is the second part of the day

Meanwhile, the activities that take place during this time of day are popularly known as evenings, how to be evening mass, raffle of the evening pool, the evening newspaper and evening shift.

From this it follows that there is a good amount of activities that are carried out throughout the day, morning, afternoon and night, therefore, it is necessary that they are identified through the concepts morning (what happens or is done in the morning), the aforementioned evening (during the afternoon) and night (what takes place during the night, after the afternoon) so that there is no confusion.

Although as we said there are activities that are done indistinctly and independently of any schedule, among the most common activities that take place during the evening hours are the following: going to school, playing sports, taking a nap, having tea , study, go to the doctor's office, among others.

Newspaper published during the afternoon

On the other hand, and as a consequence of this original reference, it is that at newspaper published in the afternoon it is popularly known as evening. "In the evening, the raffles for the pool that took place in the morning are published, there, you will surely find them.”

We must say, regarding this proposal of the written press, that at present it has practically disappeared, and after having been very popular and having been present for many decades to inform readers about those matters that occurred after the morning and that therefore they did not get to enter the morning edition of the newspaper.

Disappears as a result of the influence of new technology in the world of information

The profound change that new technologies caused in the content and also in the ways of informing has been one of the fundamental causes of the disappearance of this type of proposal.

As we know, since most of us choose that way of informing ourselves, today, there are many web information portals, not only those corresponding to the large newspapers that have their printed versions and their corresponding web spaces, but also many other alternatives that are available. dedicated to providing information.

Meanwhile, the tremendous instantaneousness that the internet proposes, allowing information to be updated at every moment through these web media, has caused the famous evening to disappear, consequently also changing the habits of many readers.

Some more tech-savvy will have adapted and celebrate while there are others who continue to miss the evening edition.

On the other hand, and added to the news websites that constantly tell us what is happening at the local and global level, we must not ignore the incidence of social networks, often anticipating news before the same online newspapers that arrive later. echoing what was posted on the most famous social networks such as Twitter or Facebook.

In recent times we have learned about many relevant events through what is published on social networks. Users end up becoming "chroniclers" and this shows us the magnitude of the transformation that the world of information and communications is experiencing.

We must also say that television appropriately took away its value.

Thus, the concept of evening is contrasted with those of morning (linked to the early hours of the day) and night (linked to the night time).

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