
definition of conceptualize

The knowledge process shows a rational process in which the exercise of conceptualizing the information is very important. Through this process, we assimilate reality to our knowledge. We constantly handle mental concepts, ideas that refer to reality.

The essence of knowledge is intentionality, as explained by the philosopher Thomas Aquinas, that is, each mental concept refers to an object or a real idea. The exercise of conceptualizing means developing your own idea on a specific topic. This mental exercise shows the purpose that a person has to understand a specific reality.

Assimilate information

By internalizing the concepts it is easier to assimilate a story. We constantly conceptualize information, but perhaps we become more aware of it when we are analyzing new information or entering a topic that we do not know. For example, when a person attends a presentation on psychology and takes notes in relation to some of the ideas of the speaker, he is conceptualizing what he is hearing.

From the learning point of view, there are study techniques that are especially suitable for conceptualizing specific information, being a means of assimilating the data more efficiently in a shorter period of time. For example, an outline is a means that allows to conceptualize a subject of study having a generalized idea of ​​it. Through the scheme, it is also possible to advance from the general to the particular and from the particular to the universal. Likewise, brainstorming is also an interesting dynamic.

When we conceptualize reality, we move on the plane of abstraction, that is, we have a generalized idea of ​​something. The conceptualization shows the mental representation of reality. Therefore, the true essence of concepts is their connection with what they represent.

The logic of conceptualization

In the philosophical context, there is a philosophical subject that is especially important to analyze the process of conceptualization through the study of reasoning: logic. The conceptualization allows to lay the foundations of a theoretical framework. Each person carries out their conceptualization process through their own experience, therefore, this reasoning can also be abstract.

Photos: iStock - Christopher Futcher / RyanJLane

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