
definition of habit

Habit is any behavior that is repeated over time in a systematic way. It should be clear that a habit is not a mere assiduous behavior, but must be of a degree of regularity that is confused with the life of the individual who displays it. By extension, the way of life of priests is often called a habit.

All people have ingrained a series of habits They have a remarkable influence on their lives, to the point of determining successes and failures in various activities. That is why it is of the utmost importance to pay attention to the recurring behaviors that have been incorporated. Many of these are totally unconscious, so some degree of introspection is necessary to identify them. Most, however, can be easily glimpsed, although it is difficult both to incorporate one and to eliminate it if necessary.

Bad habits versus good habits

The good habits They are those who direct their personal existence to the achievement of objectives that improve the quality of life. They must be determined based on the satisfaction they generate to whoever owns them. Thus, the habit of being informed, educating oneself, exercising, maintaining hygiene, eating healthy, etc. can be used as an example.

On the contrary, bad habits they have negative consequences for our lives, being a source of dissatisfaction and often vices. Some of them are notoriously harmful and difficult to remove. Examples include excessive idleness, wasting money, smoking, drinking excessively, etc. And by case is that many of these behaviors are called vices. Because vices are considered by most of society as practices that border on the depraved and the immoral.

So, regardless of whether or not there are excesses in favor of bad habits, the ideal is to avoid the latter and promote the practice of good habits in oneself and in the immediate environment that surrounds us.

Habit types

Now well within the vast universe of bad and good habits we must distinguish that these can develop in the field of the physical (associated with our body), affective (those that are linked to the relationship of the individual with their immediate environment, such as being a couple, friends, family), social (they imply the typical customs of a group, community, group), moral (these indicate the correct or incorrect way of proceeding in life and in some way those that will determine whether a person is considered good or bad) , and the intellectuals (they imply our intellect).

Finally, it should be noted that liability for habits may be limited. Indeed many of them are incorporated in childhood or at an early age, when there is still no clear idea of ​​their consequences. It can also happen that both the good and the bad are acquired through the influence of the external environment, such as the family. Whatever, always it is important to pay attention to them to use them to our advantage.

Habit in religion

At the instigation of religion, the word habit has an extended use since it designates the investiture, the clothing used by religious, such as priests, nuns, bishops, among others and that in some way distinguishes them from civil society.

It is worth mentioning that each religious rank has a habit, tunic, mantle or cape and that it shows certain certain characteristics. The colors that are used in the habits are black or white, that is, the most neutral colors of the chromatic spectrum.

Other uses of the word habit

Although the above mentioned paragraphs, without a doubt, are the most common uses that are attributed to the word in question, it is also possible that we find other references ... In the botany a habit is the shape of a plant species that will be characterized by the stem, the branches and their texture.

In the environment militaryHabit names that distinction that distinguishes a military order.

Regarding geology the crystalline habit it is the external appearance of a mineral and, for example, it is what allows us to account for how a mineral looks from a macroscopic view.

And for the psychology a habit will be the behavior that a person repeats regularly and that develops without the individual having to reason them.

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